Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

Betty Lee Crosby's writing is magical, like the feel of a slow southern afternoon spent swinging barefoot in a hammock. Her characters are rich, and she weaves little life lessons into her tales reminding us all what real wealth is. Ruth and Cyrus Dodd are a farming couple in West Virginia, they have a small plot and two room home and are quite happy until one set back and heartache after another have them leaving their home and moving to Wyattsville.

“As I grow ever closer to the end of my time, I look back at this life and tell you that the only thing I would wish to give up is the regret I've carried in my heart for all these years. At long last I have come to realize the things I once counted as regrets were indeed blessings that I was too blind to see.”

One of those reasons for their trouble had to do with a neighboring farmer, and Crosby took us through his life as well giving readers a tale of regrets you aren't; soon to forget. I found myself completely caught up in this families story as well. Crosby took me through many emotions from anger, sorrow, and pride.

“A man cannot change who he is. He can only hope that with age comes the wisdom to see his folly. I would like to believe I have achieved that.”

Wyattsville and the townsfolk there have me wanting to pack my bags and move.  As the Dodd's settle in, make friends and become a part of the community, Cyrus deals with regrets. Things don't go exactly as he expected but he becomes caught up in daily challenges and their new lives, slowly lining up his list of regrets.  Through it, all Crosby shares their family life, trials, successes, and losses. I found myself smiling, shedding a tear and at times wanting to shake Cyrus. Ruth is a rock, and I could not help but admire her. While he may have a long list of regrets and question his validity he never doubts or questions his partner.

“It's no such thing! she said. It's friendship! And if you're a man who can't tell friendship from charity, then you're to be pitied!”

Hope, love, and faith are the cornerstone of this couple's lives, and while some days they muddle through, it is upon reflection they will come to realize how truly blessed their road was. Their story is told from multiple perspectives, and I came to love each character. Fans of the series will recognize familiar landmarks, buildings and colorful characters like Olivia! This book/series is excellent for your book club.  Crosby's writing is rich and profound. You'll discover passages you want to quote and others that will resonate with you.

Readers will reflect on their regrets and remember darker days along with Cyrus, but Crosby weaves magic and shows both the reader and Cyrus how blessed we truly are. As I was crying over an event, I suddenly wiped my eyes and was excited to see what Crosby had in store for them. The ending left me smiling and longing to return to Wyattsville. This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • Started reading
  • 30 May, 2017: Finished reading
  • 30 May, 2017: Reviewed