Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

3.5 Cocktails

I wasn't sure what to expect with this spin-off story from the Something Great series, but I have to admit I liked it.

Rachel, who has broken up with her boyfriend because of distance, decides a trip to paradise is what she needs to move her life in a different direction. When she get to Kauai with her best friend, she finds herself fallen for the charms of Jackson Clark. She tries to convince herself that she's only having an island fling with Jackson and that they are just friends. But when she returns to New York, she find she can't stop thinking about him, which complicates things for her. Then a new job has her moving to LA and discovering there was a lot more to Jax than she knew.

I really enjoyed Jax's free spirit. He had a wake up call and he's doing what he needs to in order to keep his life uncomplicated. And despite that, when he met Rachel he knew she was a woman that was going to change his life. She changed it in a big way, but Jax had to overcome her fear of a long distance relationship and other complications in order to finally get the woman who was meant to be his.

Rachel was a little hard to like. I could understand why she was reluctant to start anything with Jackson, but I didn't like how she kept trying to label things. Even when she went back to New York, she had to know what she was feeling for him was much more than a normal friendship, so why keep trying to cram it in that box. I also didn't like her dating. I don't know just rubbed me the wrong way (probably because of how she felt about Jax). In the end, Rachel had to learn to get out of her own way to find her happiness with Jax. Once she did, was had an amazing man who was going to love her.

A nice addition to the Something Great series. If you've read that series, you'll recognize some friendly faces. While you don't need to read any of those books to enjoy SOMETHING AMAZING, for those that have, it was great to see those characters again and how well they're doing.

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  • Started reading
  • 12 January, 2015: Finished reading
  • 12 January, 2015: Reviewed