Deep Blue Sea by Tasmina Perry

Deep Blue Sea

by Tasmina Perry

Passionate. Explosive. Impossible to put down. Tasmina Perry is back with her most spectacular novel yet.

Beneath the shimmering surface lies a dark secret...

Diana and Julian Denver have the world at their feet. With a blissful marriage, a darling son and beautiful homes in London and the country, Diana's life, to the outside world, is perfect. But nothing is as it seems...

When Julian dies suddenly and tragically, Diana is convinced there is more to it than meets the eye. She calls on the one person she had never wanted to see again - her sister, Rachel.

A former tabloid reporter, Rachel appears to be living the dream as a diving instructor on a Thai island. The truth is she's in exile, estranged from her family and driven from her career by Fleet Street's phone-hacking scandal.

For Rachel, Diana's request opens old wounds. But she is determined to make amends for the past, and embarks on a treacherous journey to uncover the truth - wherever it may lead...

Reviewed by Leah on

4 of 5 stars

Tasmina Perry has become an absolute must-read for me. Her novels are the perfect summer reads, with their beautiful bright summer-y covers and plots that keep you guessing before ripping you in half when you finally realise who the culprit is. What’s even more exciting is Tasmina is releasing TWO novels this year, Deep Blue Sea and The Proposal. Woop! There’s only one thing better than one Tasmina Perry book and that’s TWO Tasmina Perry books! As soon as my copy of Deep Blue Sea arrived, I dived in because you just can’t leave a Tasmina Perry book sitting on your shelf to be read.

Tasmina Perry has a formula that works for her novels. It’s a formula that you just can’t beat, and it works every time. Her plots are always focused on unwrapping a mystery, whilst being set in glamorous locations, with rich people (they have to be rich – if they aren’t rich, you just can’t go to Jamaica or Washington at a moments notice) and a cracking plot twist that you don’t see coming. It’s a winning formula and it’s one that despite having read three of her novels now in quick succession, it doesn’t get old at all. Tasmina Perry is a cracking writer, and I just adore her books so much.

Deep Blue Sea is possibly Perry’s most ambitious novel to date. All of her plots feature intricate mysteries to be unravelled, but this one is possibly the most intricate and mysterious to date, with so many different twists that I didn’t even see it coming who was eventually unmasked as the evil Scooby-Doo-villain. I loved how Perry takes current-events and turns it into a fabulous plot, this time around it’s the phone-hacking scandal and when we meet Rachel Miller she’s recuperating in Thailand after being chewed up and spit out by the newspaper industry after the newspaper hacking scandals. But when she learns her sister’s husband Julian has killed himself, she’s beside herself in shock. Diana, Rachel’s sister, didn’t think she’d ever want to see her sister ever again, but something about her husband’s death doesn’t ring true, and she wants answers. As Rachel and Diana delve into Julian’s life, it seems his life wasn’t at all what it seemed and he might have been about to blow the lid on something so massive it would cause ripples within his own life.

I really enjoyed Deep Blue Sea. It was yet another excellent Tasmina Perry read, ticking all of the boxes. I loved the mystery, the intrigue, the unravelling of the Denver family and finding out what Julian was doing that could have caused him to commit suicide. I really enjoyed the sisters’ contrasting lives. Rachel, the career-hungry journo, who let her own aspirations get ahead of herself and landed her in hot water, and Diana, the trophy wife. I enjoyed how they reconnected after everything that occurred. The novel was filled with some glamorous, beautiful locations as always, taking us from Thailand to Jamaica. I LOVED the scenes set in Thailand, it sounded so relaxed, so fun, so beautiful, I wanted to go there immediately. I thoroughly enjoyed Deep Blue Sea. It was another staple Perry read, and her fans will devour it, as I did, and I can’t wait for The Proposal later in the year.

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  • 18 July, 2013: Finished reading
  • 18 July, 2013: Reviewed