Reviewed by Eve1972 on

3 of 5 stars

First let me just say anything that comes out of Ian Taggart's mouth is gold, PURE gold! I think he may be the single most awesomest H EVER! *lol*

Ok, on to the book review. I didn't love this one as much as some of the others. I just never warmed up to Deena, I found her judgey, whiny, and cold most of the time. I get her marriage left her bitter, but the constant pushing away went on to long for me. That said I LOVED Eric, he was perfect, he was sweet, he was hot, and devoted. I think had he been more of a douche, or Deena had come across as less cold, I would have enjoyed it better.

That said, Lexi Blake can really do no wrong in my eyes, and even the books I enjoy less are ten times better then some of the recent crap I have had to wade through!

I'll just leave you with this most hilarious quote..

"Or you can come in and talk about rehabbing McKay-Taggart's image. We've run into some trouble after Ian got pissed at a rival firm and sent the managing director a big box of glitter dildos," Charlotte said. "He rigged it so they blew up and went all over the dude's office. We're getting sued for glitter injuries, and one of the flying dicks might have poked an eye.

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  • Started reading
  • 14 December, 2015: Finished reading
  • 14 December, 2015: Reviewed