Deirdre by Linda Windsor

Deirdre (Fires of Gleannmara, #3)

by Linda Windsor

A Saxon pirate prince, loyal to neither God nor country, is skeptical of his Christian mother's predictions about his birthright... until he captures a devout princess with the key to both heavenly and earthly kingdoms. What his mother said about his true birthright seems possible after all, even when his newfound faith is battered by storms of betrayal that wash him and his half-drowned bride upon the seaswept shores of Gleannmara. Deirdre, the third heroine in the Fires of Gleannmara series, is an Irish princess wed to a heathen thief. Although she is a reluctant heroine, compassion becomes her shield, prayer her sword, and God's Word her direction.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

4 of 5 stars

This book was mostly fabulous. The last few chapters were not quite wonderful, but the rest of the book was really enjoyable. I literally was giggling at some points and even gasped at others. This is the third in a series and where the first book was great, and the second was not so thrilling this one was a very adventurous and pleasant read. It even has a twinge of remembrance to [b: Bride Most Begrudging|324022|A Bride Most Begrudging|Deeanne Gist||314724] that I found humorous and fun. Deirdre, Princess of Gleannmara is a wonderful woman of God and throughout the book she gives me more and more hope and guidance of the idea of what a prayer-life could really be like if you try and do not despair. Jeremiah 29:11 is the main theme written throughout this book and it is a wonderful one.

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  • 13 April, 2008: Finished reading
  • 13 April, 2008: Reviewed