Genocide of One by Philip Gabriel, Kazuaki Takano

Genocide of One

by Philip Gabriel and Kazuaki Takano

"During a briefing in Washington D.C., the President is informed of a threat to national security: a three-year-old boy named Akili, who is already the smartest being on the planet. Representing the next step in human evolution, Akili can perceive patterns and predict future events better than most supercomputers, and is capable of manipulating grand-scale events like pieces on a chess board. And yet, for all that power, Akili has the emotional maturity of a child--which might make him the most dangerous threat humanity has ever faced. An American soldier, Jonathan Yeager, leads an international team of elite operatives deep into the heart of the Congolese jungle under Presidential orders to destroy this threat to humanity before Akili's full potential can be realized. But Yeager has a very sick child, and Akili's advanced knowledge of all things, medicine included, may be Yeager's only hope for saving his son's life. Soon Yeager finds himself caught between following his orders and saving a creature with a hidden agenda, who plans to either save humanity as we know it--or destroy it"--

Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

Five reasons to plug-in and listen to Genocide of One

  • If you like, thrillers that take you deep into the jungle, into the office of the President and avoiding the police in the streets of Japan you will love the story that unfolds in Genocide of One. What if a child was born that was smarter than our supercomputers? Who at age three could crack our security codes but still cried when he was tired? American soldier, Jonathan Yeager takes an elite team into the Congolese jungle under Presidential orders to destroy this threat to humanity. Genocide of One shares their mission with us.

  • If you enjoy stories within stories that run parallel and soon find themselves wrapped within the main plot, you will enjoy Genocide of One. Jonathan Yeager has a very sick son with a rare disorder who only has weeks to live. The young child Akili may hold the knowledge to save him. This second thread has us following a young Japanese medical student in a race against the clock. Spies, secret codes and lots of cloak and dagger moments kept me fully engaged.

  • The tale is told in multiple perspectives and one of those is from that of a medical student who recently lost his father and soon finds himself in a race to save two lives. Jonathan is another voice and he takes us deep into the jungle. Each character we come across is developed and felt authentic. Knezevich did an excellent job of giving each character and pov a unique voice.

  • Realism, unfiltered brutality and violence are something you can handle. Takano does not tone down the brutality of war and there were scenes that will forever be etched in my mind. Ones I would prefer to forget. He exposes the cruelest aspects of war and the raw hopelessness young children recruited unwillingly into the cause face. While it was dark, I appreciated the authenticity and questions in raised.

  • Takano weaves a fascinating and well-researched tale. From the original concept to the science fiction and war aspects, it had a realistic vibe that notched up my enjoyment. Genocide of One was dark but there were moments of joy, laughter and humor. As we traveled between characters, I became completely swept up as the tension built. Each storyline was developed allowing me to fully appreciate each aspect.  It was a ride I will not forget and the ending left me both satisfied and hopeful.

Audio provided by publisher.This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • Started reading
  • 29 December, 2014: Finished reading
  • 29 December, 2014: Reviewed