The Influenza Bomb by Paul McCusker

The Influenza Bomb (TSI, #2)

by Paul McCusker

Masses of people are dying from a mysterious flu. While the TSI team searches for a cure, a notorious eco-terrorist group,Return to Earth, uses an influenza bomb to poison the water. It's a race against time-with the outcome impacting the entire world.

By the time the team discovers that the terrorists are using the water supply to infect people, the sickness is spreading worldwide and no one has a cure. When Return to Earth makes off with a mysterious device called the influenza bomb with the intent to destroy all of mankind, Dr. Hutchinson must stop the contamination from being spread before it's too late.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

5 of 5 stars

Can you say whirlwind? This is the fastest that I have read a book in a long time, especially with AppleBlossom running around (yes that's right, my barely ten month old daughter is running...). I could not turn the pages fast enough. I could not find enough time to sit and read as long and as much as I craved to. Every time line, every plot was bam bam bam, give me more!!

Last August, I was able to experience the first book in the TSI (Time Scene Investigators) series [b:The Gabon Virus: A Novel|6151871|The Gabon Virus A Novel (TSI Time Scene Investigators, #1)|Paul McCusker||6331033]. I knew then that I wanted more and I was not disappointed with this second novel in [b:The Influenza Bomb: A Novel|7549134|The Influenza Bomb A Novel (TSI Time Scene Investigators, #2)|Paul McCusker||9840253]. I was on the edge of my seat turning the page. I was terrified and excited. The characters are real and the enemies true evil, but perfectly appropriate to the mentalities of the world today in both our history and future.

Through out the story I was able to delve down deeply into conspiracies and myth surround the first and second Great World Wars as well as Hitler and his Nazi regime. The facts were fascinating and it was incredible how this team of authors worked the mystery into the medical drama. Without giving anything away, I'm sputtering for speech.

All and all, the best word for it, Love. I love this book, I love this series and I want more!

*Thanks to Rebeca Seitz of Glass Road PR and Howard Books, a division of Simon and Schuster for providing a copy for review.*

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  • Started reading
  • 13 June, 2010: Finished reading
  • 13 June, 2010: Reviewed