Reviewed by Canadian Girl Book Blog on

4 of 5 stars

Yours Since Yesterday is the second novel in the Lost Harbor, Alaska series which can be read as a standalone or as the second novel in the Lost Harbor, Alaska series, a second chance romance and is told in the third-person point of view.

First kisses are everything. When best friends, Padric and Zoe share their first kiss, their worlds are turned upside down by a single phone call and everything they know changes in an instant. Fifteen years later Padric postpones his tour to return home to Lost Harbor after receiving a letter from Zoe's twin sisters stating that Zoe needs help. Padric is determined to make sure Zoe is fine and helps her. After reconnecting and realizing that he got scammed into returning home, Padric and Zoe are determined to move past the scandal that rocked their lives.

I fell in love with Padric and Zoe right from the beginning of the novel. Zoe's twin sisters and the mystery of someone not wanting Padric back in Lost Harbor made this book extra intriguing. I can not wait for the next Lost Harbor book to reconnect with the Lost Harbor crew and see where their stories go. Another great novel by Jennifer Bernard.

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  • 30 January, 2020: Reviewed