Third Base by Heidi McLaughlin

Third Base (The Boys of Summer)

by Heidi McLaughlin


Since becoming a major league baseball player, I've learned a few hard lessons. Like never give out your home address on social media (sorry, Mom). Never shoot your mouth off without thinking . . . and never, ever let your personal life interfere with your game. But then I saw her -sitting alone behind the enemy dugout, watching me -and I just had to meet this girl.

Now I know that Daisy Robinson has her secrets, but there's something about her that drives me crazy. Maybe it's her innocence, her absolutely amazing knowledge of baseball, or just the fact that she is so unbelievably beautiful. I have to take it slow. Prove to her that the rumors about me are just that - rumors.

Daisy might be my ultimate lifetime win. . . if I don't get hit by the curveball that's coming my way.

Reviewed by thebookdisciple on

4 of 5 stars

POV: 1st person (Ethan)
Tears: No
Trope: Professional Athlete, hidden identity, Virgin
Third base was a pretty good book overall. I have found I rather enjoy books told only by the male. If this book had been told from Daisy's POV I don't think I would have liked it nearly as much. Ethan was also a likable guy. He isn't an up and coming rookie and he isn't a seasoned veteran either. It was nice to read about a pro athlete who isn't just out of college and yet hasn't made superstar status yet either. That provided Third Base with yet another unique perspective.
I figured out the plot twist by like chapter 2. Did it ruin the book for me? No but it did make it seem a bit slow. There is also an encounter with another woman after he has been out on a few dates with Daisy, so that might turn some people off. Third Base is a pretty straightforward contemporary romance. If you like your romance with a bit of heat (nothing excessive), sweet gestures, and people dealing with honest issues this is a good book to chose. I hope this continues into a series. I would like to know more about some of the other players!
If you liked The Rusk University Series by Cora Carmack, All of Me by Jennifer Bernard, or Bringing the Heat by Katie Rose you will probably enjoy Third Base.
My full review will be posted here: The Book Disciple

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  • 1 November, 2015: Finished reading
  • 1 November, 2015: Reviewed