Reviewed by Chelsea on

4 of 5 stars

Loved this book! Cinderella plus zombies was way better than I thought it would be! The romance was a bit cheesy but would it be horrible if I said I loved it anyways? Sometimes a cheesy romance is exactly what I need.
My only complaint would be that this book could have been longer and the plot flushed out a little more. Plus a little more character development. At the same time I was glad for the quicker pace because it made it really easy to read. It was also meant to be a Cinderella retelling so of course some parts were predictable but I thought it was all done in a good way.
I'm really excited to see how the rest of this series turns out!

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  • Started reading
  • 7 July, 2017: Finished reading
  • 7 July, 2017: Reviewed