The Secret Gospel of Mary Magdalene by Michele Roberts

The Secret Gospel of Mary Magdalene

by Michele Roberts

In the parched soil of Provence, a fifth gospel has been discovered, Mary Magdalene's account of Jesus' teaching and her relationship with him.

It is a book of revelation, for it unveils a new Christianity, one which embraces the female equally with the male and acknowledges and celebrates women's spirituality. A passionate story of love and search, of separation and rebirth, The Secret Gospel imagines an alternative history for the much maligned Mary Magdalene, where she runs away from her family but returns to be captivated, both emotionally and theologically, by Jesus.

The Secret Gospel of Mary Magdalene is a brilliant and moving vision of Christianity that is also startlingly modern in its conclusions.

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

4 of 5 stars

The imagined story of Mary Magdalene using several of the stories about her that have been put forward over the years. Interesting and well written I wish I had read it years ago as it would probably have pleased me more, not having read much less well written versions.

Worth a read for a slightly feminist view of Jesus' life and the way that things could be warped.

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  • 26 November, 2008: Reviewed