Reviewed by llamareads on

5 of 5 stars

The third novella in the Penric & Desdemona series features a new challenge for Penric - palace intrigue! And, a romantic interest! We’ve now skipped ahead another handful of years, and Penric has been loaned to the Duke of Adria, who has sent him on a secret mission to hire a Cedonian general. Only, of course, Penric (and Desdemona) have barely set foot in Cedonia when he’s arrested as a spy. Soon Penric discovers he’s in an even bigger mess than he imagined, and Penric being Penric, he decides it’s his responsibility to fix it - sometimes in very hilarious ways (like giving a theology lecture to an attacker who Desdemona half-buried in a landslide).

Bujold excels at tightly-wrapped plots and amazing characterization. Penric and his demon have a fascinating relationship - part best friends and part older sister / younger brother. Adelis, the Cedonian general, and his sister, Nikys, are wonderful additions to the series, and provide an opportunity to give a “Sorcerer 101” course to anyone who’s just picking up these books, but, please, don’t short yourself! Read the other ones first!

Half of the fun of these novellas is watching Penric and Desdemona’s relationship evolve, and at discovering the events that have happened between books. However, due to the abrupt end of the story, I certainly hope Ms. Bujold decides to pick up right where she left off!

Reading Ms. Bujold’s work is always a pleasure. Recommended for anyone who loves well-written fantasy with a fully developed world, humor, and amazing characters.

I received an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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  • 26 October, 2017: Finished reading
  • 26 October, 2017: Reviewed