Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

Coffee dates with From London with Love

First date: Hamilton Sparrow abducts Emilia St. George moments before she is about to wed the grandson of a duke. This is the second time he has ruined her wedding plans. The first time was when he jilted her. Ooo right away I am intrigued! Quincy further ensnares me when we discover someone is attempting to kill Emilia. I enjoyed their initial interaction but can see both of these two need work. It will be interesting to watch this tale unfold.

Second date: Quincy shares some back story, as another attempt is made on Emilia's life. I like Emilia despite her self-esteem issues, and I must say I blame her mother for some of those problems. She is about to marry into a loveless marriage, but I understood her reasoning. With her reputation still intact, Sparrow, the St. George's, and Emilia herself try to discover who wants her dead. The list of suspects is long from the obvious- her fiance to a shady art collector. Of course, all of this has Sparrow, now Lord Vale and Emilia spending time in each other's company, While they may have been childhood neighbor's Vale begins to realize there is so much more to Emilia. I loved seeing him become more aware of her. It was surprising, tender and lent to delicious moments of laughter.

Third date: Emilia surprised the heck out of me. She is quite the forward-thinking woman. This slow building, unplanned romance begins to heat and I am quite enjoying myself. I always laugh when characters make these plans in their heads or have preconceived notions. We all know it never turns out as expected and such was the case here. I will readily admit I love seeing it all unravel! With the suspect list narrowing, Quincy had me flipping the pages as intentions are made, traps are laid, and danger ensues. The build to the climax was not rushed allowing the case and the romance to weave together. While nothing was surprising I enjoyed watching the events unfold and Quincy left me grinning.

Copy provided by publisher. This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • 19 January, 2017: Finished reading
  • 19 January, 2017: Reviewed