Reviewed by Lindsey Gray on

5 of 5 stars

Cynthia Louise is on the shelf. Her thin thread to the ton is due to her aunt’s marriage. At the age of thirty, she has become a chaperone. When invited to the annual holiday house party at The Duke of Nottingvale’s estate, she decides to bring her cousin along to see if she might be the perfect duchess. While Nottingvale makes her pulse race whenever he comes into view, Cynthia Louise attempts to keep her composure.

Nottingvale is all about rules. After inheriting the dukedom at a very early age, he had to do everything perfectly for he seemed to have a huge fear of failure. Selecting his duchess was no exception. Cynthia Louise tortured him with a devilish attraction. He knows he can’t have her, but that doesn’t stop the longing for her to warm his bed.

I loved Cynthia Louise from the first page. She has learned how to have fun and live life to the fullest while walking the line between acceptance and scandal. I understood Nottingvale’s actions and I loved how we see him open up and let his heart soar. We don’t see that very often in historical romance, so it was an exciting change to read his thoughts from beginning to end.

While this series is complete, I know Ridley is not slowing down any time soon. I loved this story and this series. I know it will be included on my December reading list for years to come.

I received Forever Your Duke for free. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

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  • 18 December, 2020: Reviewed