Reviewed by chymerra on

5 of 5 stars

I know I begin a lot of my book reviews this way, but I absolutely loved this book. Put it this way, for me to say this about a book that is a 4th book in a series AND I haven’t read the other 3 before it, its huge. Like super huge because I am very picky about books in series. I am that person that has to read a series from the beginning so I know about the other people in the book first. Normally, if I read the books out of whack, then I get out of whack, know what I mean….lol. So I was happy that I could read this basically as a standalone.

The romance between Alexis and Gunnar was so sweet. It started off as a friendship of sorts (she asked him to help her with getting her ex-fiance (aka THE IDIOT) back by showing him how much fun she was having (for a lack of better words) and he agreed. The romance just grew from there.

Alexis was a sweetheart, in my eyes. She was a dependable person who was kinda afraid to step out of her comfort zone. Which is why she thinks that Tristan (aka THE IDIOT) left her. Her summer job at the Whisper Creek Ranch is supposed to let her explore her adventurous side. With her sister’s help, she makes up a list of what to do. That goes out the window when she meets Gunnar.

Gunnar was a cowboy with a past. Not an awful past. Up until he was 16, he traveled the country with his mother….who was following his father and his wife. Yeah, that’s kinda screwed up. So he craves stability, which is no shocker. He is also Mr July in the Whisper Creek Ranch calendar and website(OMG, when Alexis met him at the airport and realized who he was, I was dying laughing). He is also works with rescued horses and is very, very talented with that. Finding his love was the last thing on his mind but when he saw Alexis, it was over.

For some reason, I totally related to Alexis. From her failed paragliding adventure with the sorority sisters (I have an extreme fear of heights) to her drunken night of karaoke AND texting it to her ex fiance (been there, done that), I could see us being great friends. Heck, she even had a dysfunctional family (waves hand over here, I do too).

The ending and the epilogue got me right in the feels. Lets just saw that Gunnar is awesome and is perfect for Alexis (read the book).

How many stars will I give Unlucky in Love? 5

Why? A great clean (aka no sex) romance that makes you laugh and cry at various points in the book. Put it this way, I want a Gunnar in my life!!!

Will I reread? Yes

Will I recommend to family and friends? Yes

Age Range: Teen

Why: The cleanest romance that isn’t a Christian romance that I have read in a while. No sex, a couple of kissing scenes and that’s it. Some language, a drunken night at karaoke bar complete with bad singing and some poor lobsters getting cooked….lol.

**I received a free copy of this book and volunteered to review it**

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  • Started reading
  • 14 October, 2016: Finished reading
  • 14 October, 2016: Reviewed