Fracture by MS Megan Miranda


by MS Megan Miranda

After falling through the ice of a frozen lake and being resuscitated by her best friend Decker, seventeen-year-old Delaney begins experiencing a strange affinity for the dead and wonders whether she is predicting death or causing it.

Reviewed by Stephanie on

4 of 5 stars

Delaney was without oxygen for 11 minutes. She should be dead. But she's alive. She's a miracle that nobody understands. Now Delaney has to learn how to go on with her life, and figure out why she is drawn to the dying.

I wanted to read this book because of the science behind it. I've heard of people dying out in the cold, but then coming back to life and apparently the extremely cold temperatures had something to do with it. It's all very fascinating to me. And while the book did have some science behind it and wondering how Delaney wasn't brain dead, it's definitely not the focus.

I really enjoyed the story. It had its creepy moments, which I was very happy to find out and wasn't expecting at all. Through the last half of the book my face was basically stuck in this position O_O

Delaney and Decker's relationship is one that makes you want to shake both of them and to tell them to just kiss all ready. I love those kinds of relationships!

Troy added a whole new level to the book. Like Delaney, he was also attracted to the dying. Delaney couldn't figure him out the whole book, and neither could I. He was sweet one moment and then extremely creepy the next.

This book is also very deep. Delaney tries to twist her weird ability into something so she can help the dying by telling them to do whatever they would do if they only had one day to live. I was not expecting this book to be so emotional, which I probably should have, considering the main character dies, but you know.

Everybody mentioned in the book is effected in someway by Delaney's accident and it gets very crazy at times. And at some points I was thinking that Delaney really has gone crazy from the accident, but then she would recover and go on with her day.

Overall, I really liked this story and was taken by surprise by everything, in a good way!

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  • Started reading
  • 30 March, 2012: Finished reading
  • 30 March, 2012: Reviewed