Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

5 of 5 stars

4.5 Cocktails

This is a wonderful historical romance. One of the things that I absolutely loved about this novel is that the main characters were married halfway through the book. The author does an exceptional job of showing the reader how their marriage relationship evolves.

Sebastian de la Croix was a fierce warrior and loyal to King William. He was also compassionate, understanding, passionate, honorable, and patient. He displayed the best attributes of a warrior and husband. I loved that he allowed Lady Alfreya of Tyrswick to be herself. He wasn’t afraid to prove himself and give her time to know him and love him.

Lady Alfreya of Tyrswick was also a fierce warrior and skilled in archery. She had been betrayed and didn’t trust easily…until she met Sebastian de la Croix. Despite her misgivings she fell in love with him.

The storyline had excitement, adventure, romance, and a supernatural twist. I liked the element of suspense that had me guessing until the very end. I was literally sitting up late because I wanted to make sure that both of them were going to be okay.

This is definitely a must read.

Reviewed by Michelle for Cocktails and Books

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  • 24 December, 2014: Reviewed