Reviewed by leelu92 on

4 of 5 stars

4.5 stars
It's hard for me to believe, but Deadly Attraction is the first book by Ms. evans that I've read! As much of a romantic suspense junkie that I am, I figured I would've read her by now. Luckily, I've rectified that issue by breaking the ice with this book.

I'm going to keep this pretty simple, I really enjoyed this book. Evans builds the relationship and the suspense in equal parts and does it really well. Emma, the female MC, is a fantastic character, she's smart and in charge of her own safety and isn't afraid to stand up for what she needs to do, even in the face of Mitch. Sometime romantic suspense heroines can be TSTL (too stupid to live) and make really dumb decisions or they can be so hardass that they are difficult to emotionally connect with or even like. Not so with Emma, I thoroughly enjoyed her! Mitch gets thrust into a situation due to a forest fire and his location at the time. He thinks he's going to go get Emma and take her to a safe house. Ha! Emma is not even having that, she's not going to leave her farm even with a crazy guy possibly coming after her. This totally drives Mitch nuts and of course, begins to endear her to him. And let's face it, "endear" is too light of a word because the mutual attraction between the two is pretty high on all levels. Mitch is a great male MC, he's got just the right amount of alpha and he realizes that Emma is quite capable of protecting herself, he still feels a natural protectiveness towards her and not just because he is getting paid to protect her. He recognizes Emma's inner strength and finds it very attractive.

One thing I really appreciated was how Ms. Evans built up and maintained the level of suspense. I actually felt myself feeling anxious and wondering what was going to happen next! That "on the edge of my seat" feeling was present throughout a great deal of this book.

I'm really glad that I took a chance on this book, after reading this one, I'm definitely going to delve into Evan's backlist. Deadly Attraction was an exciting and sexy thrillride and I'm looking forward to more!

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  • Started reading
  • 9 November, 2016: Finished reading
  • 9 November, 2016: Reviewed