Reviewed by stressedrach on

5 of 5 stars

I have really liked this series so far, it is great getting to know each band member from Seconds to Juliet. Each band member is unique in their ways. In this book we get to know about Will who is really called Matt and is Will's identical twin brother pretending to be Will which he is sorting himself out.
Anya is homeless, and blags her way into getting a gig to scoop up some dirt during a 2 week assignment on tour with Second to Juliet, she needs to get a huge story, on Will so she can sell it and hopefully get off the streets.
Matt doesn't want to be found out as pretending to be Will and obviously doesn't want Will's rehab secret coming out either and the only way he can think of doing that is to flirt with her. The problem is he falls hard as does Anya and then the secret comes out.
I really liked the twist in this book, I liked Matt and Anya equally and did root for them both to sort their mess out.
Suze wrote this really well, it was a great pace and I was completely hooked.
I still think Miles is my favourite in the series but Matt comes a close second.

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  • Started reading
  • 14 July, 2015: Finished reading
  • 14 July, 2015: Reviewed