Losing Hope by Colleen Hoover

Losing Hope (Hopeless, #2)

by Colleen Hoover

#1 Sunday Times bestselling author of It Ends with Us held readers spellbound with her novel Hopeless, the story of what happened when a troubled girl named Sky encountered a long-lost childhood friend, Dean. Now, in Losing Hope, we finally learn the truth about Dean Holder.

Haunted by the little girl he couldn’t save from imminent danger, Holder’s life has been overshadowed by feelings of guilt and remorse. He has never stopped searching for her, believing that finding her would bring him the peace he needs to move on. However, Holder could not have anticipated that he would be faced with even greater pain...Read more

Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

5 of 5 stars

Rating: 4.5 stars
This companion novel to Hopeless is told through Holder's eyes. It starts with Les' death. So now, we get all the details of what happened before Holder disappeared for a year. The best parts of this book, for me, are the times when he is not with Sky. We get to fill in those gaps in the story and find out what Holder was doing. We also get to meet his friend, Daniel, and his mom, and see how he interacts with him. Most importantly, we get inside his head. He is quite a complicated character, therefore, getting to see things from his perspective helps us understand his actions and him so much more. He was so tortured and riddled with guilt, it was quite painful at times, but as the story progresses, he works through these issues. One of his coping mechanisms was to write letters to his sister. He revealed things to her that he could not share with anyone else and these things were provided a lot of insight into his life. I also liked that this book went a little further than Hopeless. We get a little peek into the future of Sky and Holder, and I am a sucker for that sort of thing. You did it to me again, Colleen Hoover, you made me cry. Kudos!

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  • Started reading
  • 24 May, 2015: Finished reading
  • 24 May, 2015: Reviewed