Lucky You by Carl Hiaasen

Lucky You

by Carl Hiaasen


"Witty...colorful...entertaining." - New York Times Book Review

JoLayne Lucks lives in a town infamous for its suspicious miracles, but she's still elated when her lottery numbers finally pay off big-$28 million, to be exact. And she has great plans for her fortune: to save a rare piece of Florida paradise from the bulldozers. Only one problem: There's another winning Lotto ticket, and the people who've got it just never learned how to share. When the two militia wannabes swipe JoLayne's ticket, she enlists an off-the-rails newspaperman to help her track down the trigger-happy creeps and their bewildered hostage, a Hooters waitress. Getting rich quick is never easy...

Reviewed by ibeforem on

4 of 5 stars

Hiaasen has a real knack for writing about the dregs of society. His characters seem impossibly colorful, but if you’re a reader of Fark, you know that in Florida this plot is completely plausible. I love Hiaasen’s matter-of-fact satire. Though I have to say I kinda thought the Hooter’s girl deserved the second lottery ticket.

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  • Started reading
  • 15 December, 2007: Finished reading
  • 15 December, 2007: Reviewed