Darkest Hour by Virginia Andrews

Darkest Hour (The Cutler Family)

by Virginia Andrews

Fifth - and final - volume in the spellbinding Cutler family saga. DARKEST HOUR takes us back to the story of Dawn's grandmother Lillian, and a thriving plantation called The Meadows. Lillian's happy life is shattered when her sister Emily reveals the shocking secret of her birth. And her heart is torn anew when, in a drunken haze, her father subjects her to the most brutal degradation. Then he loses The Meadows in a card game, and Lillian is faced with a new and terrifying prospect: arrogant, handsome playboy Bill Cutler will return the plantation - only if Lillian will marry him. Too frightened to defy her father, Lillian is forced to leave her childhood home behind, and make a bold new beginning as the mistress of a hotel called Cutler's Cove.

Reviewed by BookeryBliss on

3 of 5 stars

VC Andrews has always been a favorite of mine since my childhood days. I have read (and re-read) all of her books, and although I am much older now and find that some of her work is better than others, I still enjoy the twists and turns, strangeness and mystery that continues to captivate my interest. (even some of the ghostwriter's work)

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  • 2 July, 2012: Reviewed