Traitor's Touch by Helen Dickson

Traitor's Touch (Mills & Boon Historical)

by Helen Dickson


After a lifetime spent hating the cause, loving a Jacobite is out of the question for Henrietta Brody. But with Scotland ready for battle her only chance for survival is to journey with her enemy - the dangerously handsome Lord Simon Tremain.

His protection awakens a forbidden desire in Henrietta. But, torn between her past and her future, the Jacobite and the man, reason and passion, she must fight to resist this traitor's touch.

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

3 of 5 stars

Interesting historical romance with issues stemming from the English Civil War, Henrietta Brody lost both her parents to this war. Now when she has to flee her home in London to go to her uncle in Scotland she encounters Simon Tremain who is about to join Bonnie Prince Charlie and his rebellion, she finds it difficult to think of a relationship with someone involved in this. Things proceed predictablly.

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  • Started reading
  • 26 May, 2015: Finished reading
  • 26 May, 2015: Reviewed