Tier One by Brian Andrews, Jeffrey Wilson

Tier One (Tier One Thrillers, #1)

by Brian Andrews and Jeffrey Wilson

In a world violated by terror, the old lines have blurred. Meet the next generation of covert ops.

John Dempsey’s life—as an elite Tier One Navy SEAL named Jack Kemper—is over. A devastating terrorist action catapults him from a world of moral certainty and decisive orders into the shadowy realm of espionage, where ambiguity is the only rule. His new mission: hunt down those responsible for the greatest tragedy in the history of the US Special Ops and bring them to justice.

But how does a man torn between duty and revenge walk the line and preserve his soul?

As Dempsey struggles with the games of spies, the case propels him across the globe in a desperate effort to prevent a new, horrifying attack on American soil.

Once, John Dempsey followed orders blindly. Now he sees behind the curtain, and the security of the civilized world rests on one question: Can a Tier One Navy SEAL adapt and become the world’s most lethal spy?

Reviewed by sleepseeker on

1 of 5 stars

I wanted to like this, as I like thrillers but I didn't. This has some great reviews and I tried a few times to read this, but I couldn't finish. I think it's the way it's written and I didn't like the dialogue, especially the acronyms.

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  • 25 September, 2020: Reviewed