Reviewed by Angie on

3 of 5 stars

I don't even know with The Savage Dream. I really don't. I thought it was the last book of the series, but with that ending, it most certainly is not. That is the worst cliffhanger in existence, and I want more! What is even going on!? The world the author has created just keeps getting weirder and more complex, and what even is going on?!

The Savage Dream takes us completely Outside. Calia, Elise, Phillip, Edwin, and the Red Men are all heading back to their homes. Adahy and his chief are just traveling with the Band until their reach their people, and then they're parting ways. Except that their camp is empty with the exception of some corpses. The fragment have passed through, and the chief demands that they go save the missing women. That's easier said than done, since there are way more fragment, and Elisa and Calia are really sick and can't travel much further. I found it incredibly frustrating (in a good way) that after everything these characters have been through, a disease was going to be their untimely end!

Then The Savage Dream gets really weird. I honestly don't know if I liked the weirdness that was introduced or not. On one hand, it's awesome, because it's so weird and unexpected and I need to know more! But on the other, it really just came out of nowhere and doesn't make sense, since it adds a kind of paranormalness to this other wise science based world. I don't know. It was just really freaking weird.

Once things are past, and you think the characters on their way home, The Savage Dream ends. Literally, it just ends. There is no warning. They're on their way, and then.

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  • 2 March, 2015: Finished reading
  • 2 March, 2015: Reviewed