Reviewed by Lynn on

5 of 5 stars

An eagerly anticipated sequel, after meeting Simon in Untrue Colors - one of my top books for 2015.

True Deceptions is a fast-paced, action packed, thriller with a romantic twist. The protagonists are as different as chalk and cheese, but that just adds to the overall appeal of this unlikely coupling.

Dr. Cassie Watson likes her desk job working for MI6. She's a robotics expert specialising in software developer and a very capable hacker too. Everything was fine until she was assigned a project involving fieldwork. As a vegan pacifist, she proves that she's not suited to covert, underworld of espionage. Much to her chagrin, she's still assigned a partner without knowing what role she is to play.

Devastated after the death of his partner Nicola, Simon Dunn is summons back after an eight month hiatus and not at all happy about the stunning Amazonian blonde he's had assigned as his new partner. How can he trust this geeky woman to watch his back during a mission?

The strength of Cassie and Simon's relationship is how they develop and complement each other as they gain respective trust. Simon is an ass-hole...controlling, domineering and far from personable. He's forced to push Cassie to the limit to assess her capability, doubting that she can do no more than the technical work she's specifically be picked for. Surprisingly, Cassie proves that she has what it takes, earning Simon's respect. In return for Cassie's new found toughness, he backs off, allowing her to gain greater competence and confidence.

Ms Forand has presented another outstanding novel. Both well written and researched, this page turner takes us on a journey highlighting the dark-side of undercover operations against exotic locations. Although this is a standalone, I heartily recommend reading Untrue Colors too. Firstly, it is another fast-paced suspense and secondly it illustrates the depth of feeling Simon had for his previous partner Nicola; offering an even greater insight into their relationship and the man himself. It was fun seeing Henry and Alex again too. I love that Alex is keeping Henry on his toes!

5 Stars

***arc generously received courtesy of publisher Entangled Suspense via NetGalley***

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  • Started reading
  • 13 October, 2015: Finished reading
  • 13 October, 2015: Reviewed