The Kane Chronicles by Rick Riordan

The Kane Chronicles (Kane Chronicles, #2)

by Rick Riordan

Percy Jackson fought Greek Gods. Now the Gods of Egypt are waking in the modern world . . .
EVER since the gods of Ancient Egypt were unleashed on the modern world, Carter Kane and his sister, Sadie, have been in big trouble.
As descendants of the magical House of Life, they command certain powers. But now a terrifying enemy - Apophis, the giant snake of chaos - is rising. If Carter and Sadie don't destroy him, the world will end in five days' time. And in order to battle the forces of chaos, they must revive the sun god Ra - a feat no magician has ever achieved. Because first they must search the world for the three sections of the Book of Ra, then they have to learn how to chant its spells . . . Can the Kanes destroy Apophis before he swallows the sun and plunges the earth into darkness . . . forever?

Reviewed by thepunktheory on

4 of 5 stars

Full review on my blog:

I'm a sucker for everything Rick Riordan and this series is no exception. It took me a while to get started but once I had picked the books up, it was impossible to stop. After hell of a ride with the first part, I was very excited to dive into The Throne of Fire.
One of the things I enjoyed so much about it is the way the story is told. The book is meant to be a transcript of some audio recordings Sadie and Carter did. So first of all, we get two different voices and perspectives which makes for nice changes (and funny moments) throughout the novel. It also feels more real, being told from those "having witnessed it first hand". This really distinguishes the whole Kane Chronicles series from the rest of Riordan's books. Otherwise it might have been lost among the rest of his works but instead it pops out.
Moreover, the story will get to you. I have no idea how Riordan manages to come up with all this stuff but there are many heartbreaking moments trapped within the pages. Thankfully he is also very talented in mixing the end of the world with some fun, so for every tear you'll shed, you'll also get to laugh out loud.
In The Throne of Fire we also get to meet some new characters who will grow dear to you. So let's hope for the best while expecting the worst.

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  • Started reading
  • 25 July, 2018: Finished reading
  • 25 July, 2018: Reviewed