Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

Five Caffeinated reasons to grab Hard to Hold on To

• Kaye delivers a full-length tale that touches on trauma, PTSD, and the fallout from those events while creating a wonderful romance between Easy and Jenna.

• The romance while heated develops slowly and Kaye does not try to wrap it up, allowing it to feel genuine. Be warned there is deflowering for those who are not fans. The scene was beautifully done and believable.

• While there is not much development in the overall story arc, I actually enjoyed the banter, character development and laid back feel to this story. It was not rushed and intense like the previous novels and I truly enjoyed the pace.

• In Hard to Hold on To, difficult subject matter is addressed, and Kaye allows us to connect and understand the characters raw emotions. I loved the way the other characters handled the situation, and offered support.

• Easy and Jenna have a chemistry that I enjoyed and I loved how tender and supportive they were of each other.

Copy received from publisher in exchange for unbiased review.This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • Started reading
  • 9 August, 2014: Finished reading
  • 9 August, 2014: Reviewed