50 Ways to Make Google Love Your Website by Liam McGee, Steve Johnston

50 Ways to Make Google Love Your Website

by Liam McGee and Steve Johnston

Google is now a dominant force on the Internet, guiding millions of searches and online purchases every day. Understanding how it works and how to make the most of it is therefore essential to anyone building or running a website, whether for business or as a hobby. This easy-to-follow guide explains not only how Google actually sifts the billions of pages of information its index contains, but shows you how you can improve the performance of your own website in Google's search results, giving specific and detailed instructions about the sort of priority issues you need to address.

50 Ways to Make Google Love Your Website will teach you how to:
- Use Google to help you understand how people search for the sort of things you are offering
- Create a website that your customers will quickly find in Google
- Make your website irresistible to links from other sites
- Help Google understand what your site is about
- Think like Google and win more traffic

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

3 of 5 stars

Well it wasn't what I needed, it's more orientated towards a small business than a hobby website. It's interesting to read to see a bit about how Google takes information from a site and uses it but I missed seeing a basic one, "if your information is in a graphic, it can't be searched for"
Corrected as it is in the book, see comments below. Page 25 mentions this. I think when I originally wrote it I had been trying to find information that should be readily available if the websites didn't obscure it.

Still not my book, probably more useful for small businesses than for my uses and for a small business would probably be a 4 or 5* book.

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  • 1 July, 2012: Finished reading
  • 1 July, 2012: Reviewed