Pompeii by Sue Reid

Pompeii (My Story)

by Sue Reid

Pompeii is an engaging story of one of history's most eruptive disasters.
It's August AD 78 and Claudia is at the Forum in Pompeii.
It's a day of strange encounters and even odder portents. When
the ground shakes Claudia is convinced it is a bad omen. What does
it all mean? And why is she so disturbed by Vesuvius, the great
volcano that looms over the city...?

Reviewed by clairelm on

3 of 5 stars

I enjoyed this book, it's a good account of Roman life and the destruction of Pompeii, in a way aimed at young people. However, the date of the eruption is wrong and the dates in the diary don't make sense as it gets towards the end. Vesuvius erupted on the 24th August AD79, not the 24th October as is implied in this book. Unfortunately, the major inaccuracy with the date lost it a star in my opinion, otherwise it would have 4 stars.

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  • Started reading
  • 17 August, 2013: Finished reading
  • 17 August, 2013: Reviewed