The Falcon and the Sparrow by Marylu Tyndall

The Falcon and the Sparrow

by Marylu Tyndall

Follow the trail of Dominique Dawson, a reluctant spy who is forced to betray England or never see her brother again. As she takes a position as the governess of a Rear Admiral's son, her real mission is to gather intelligence information for Napoleon. Chase Randal, irresistibly drawn to his son's new governess, reluctantly allows the attraction to grow. Is there a future for the spy and the rear admiral? Or will Dominique's deception crush any prospect of a lasting happiness? --from publisher description.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

5 of 5 stars

Absolute on the edge of your seat, page turner, with unexpected twists and turns full of wonderful action until the end! [b:The Falcon and the Sparrow|3222619|The Falcon and the Sparrow|M.L. Tyndall||3256677] is a masterful book taking place in London during the Napoleonic wars with France. The imagery presented by Tyndall is incredible. I could picture every scene, the people, places, and the food. I could smell the sea water and rain as well a hint of the other not so pleasant smells. London was given a full picture that agrees with all history I have known so far as being very accurate. After having recently seen the film "Amazing Grace" and reading the book [b:Once Blind|82761|Once Upon a Blind Date|Wendy Markham||844414] it was nice again in this story to see a dear friend John Newton.

This book is incredible. It is definitely on my favorite list. Through out the whole story I was curious and clueless as to how things could and would pan out. I definitely recommend this story for lovers of history, and those who crave adventure. There are spys, ball room dances, building, danger on the streets of London, sword fights, threats to one' honor and more. Oh it's just fabulous!

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  • Started reading
  • 18 July, 2008: Finished reading
  • 18 July, 2008: Reviewed