Nightshade by Andrea Cremer

Nightshade (Nightshade, #1) (Nightshade Universe, #4)

by Andrea Cremer

She can control her pack, but not her heart . . .

'I wanted him to kiss me-wished he could smell the desire that I knew was pouring off me. You can't, Calla. This boy isn't the one for you.'

Calla Tor has always known her destiny: graduation, marriage and then a life leading her pack. But when she defies her masters' laws to save a human boy, she must choose.

Is one boy worth losing everything?

Reviewed by Hixxup on

2 of 5 stars

It took me forever to get into this book, I mean forever in my book reading world since I usually can devour a book or two within a 24 hour period. This one took me over a week to read. It wasn't that it was bad, it was just something about it just couldn't hold my interest. It might have been the fact that Calla had started out as this strong fierce Alpha female. But then Shay comes into the picture and Ren gets all jealous, which can you blame him. Through the entire book Ren is trying to win Calla's affection and convince her that his feelings aren't just duty related, but are real. And Shay OMG can anyone be anymore annoying I mean seriously!!!! That boy would have gotten kicked and punch waaay too many times by me, I mean he literally bullied her into liking him, well it seemed that way in my opinion. And now she's turned her back on Ren and her pack... damb ass move if you ask me yes it she went with Ren and didn't turn her back on what she knew it wouldn't have made an interesting book. OK well until like page 200 or so is when I finally got interested in it enough to finish it. And I still wanted to smack Shay over and over and got to the point where I wanted to smack Calla too and just ask her "what the hell are you thinking you dumbass?!" but oh well I was going to say I hope things get better in the further books, but i'm afraid I might be disappointed as well in those, but I will read them, because I have this insane obsession of finishing a series once I've started it. And so Bring on Wolfsbane!

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  • Started reading
  • 25 January, 2012: Finished reading
  • 25 January, 2012: Reviewed