Reviewed by thebookdisciple on

3 of 5 stars

This book just didn't really hold my attention. I thought that because Jess had 1 bad relationship she was a bit judgmental. He cheated and acted like it was okay and he was a total douche but I thought she seemed way too 'broken' because of it. It just wasn't very believable. I found I just didn't really like her as a character. I'm not sure what it was about her that didn't click with me, but she just didn't make me like her.
I did like Gavin though. He is focused on his career, he isn't a manwhore, and you really feel badly for him. He gets hurt, he isn't sure if his career will survive, his team trades him off, his girlfriend dumps him, and he has to move from CA to NJ. He is having a seriously crappy go of things! He moves to NJ and has no friends and can't play ball so he is lonely and broken. He was such an endearing character. You really want good things to happen for him because he is having such bad luck.
You don't have to read the previous books in the series to enjoy this book. So, while this wasn't a homerun for me, you might not be bothered by Jess and this book could be a grand slam for you! (see how I worked some baseball references in there?? :) )

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  • Started reading
  • 3 September, 2015: Finished reading
  • 3 September, 2015: Reviewed