Talisker by Miller Lau

Talisker (The last clansman, #1)

by Miller Lau

Duncan Talisker has just been released from jail in Scotland. He served fifteen years for a series of violent murders he didn't commit, but knew intimately. Then, the killing begins again. On another world, a jewel is sought and a deadly god struggles to be free. Talisker and his childhood friend, Alessandro Chaplin - who is also the policeman who arrested him fifteen years previously - will undertake journeys between the worlds which mix wonder and danger in equal measure...and may result both in their deaths and the release of a deadly evil.

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

4 of 5 stars

Talisker can see things by touching them, this led to his being convicted of murder because he knew too much about the murders. What adds to his issues is that the investigating detective is his former friend Allesandro (Sandro)Chaplin. When the murders start again, little do they know that it's not from this world until they're dragged into the other world and the ongoing war between the gods of this world and it's people.

It's interesting, sometimes it didn't quite work and it felt like people playing an online game where they slipped between one and the other in order to recover from what happened. The issues Talisker had were quite believable and I do want to see what happens next. More of a 3.5 than 4 but a solid 3.5

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  • Started reading
  • 16 July, 2009: Finished reading
  • 16 July, 2009: Reviewed