Reviewed by chymerra on

4 of 5 stars

Before I start my review, I would like to thank A.J. Tipton for allowing me to review Her Fiery Viking.

**All opinions stated in this review are mine and mine alone. I received Her Fiery Viking from A.J. Tipton for free for my honest review.”

Now onto my review:

Note to self… not read erotica’s A) in public and B) next to a very nosey older woman. Because the results aren’t good. The older woman was reading over my shoulder, during a pretty explicit sex scene, she gasped and said “You should be ashamed of yourself, reading stuff like that” My reply “Well, you shouldn’t be reading over my shoulder, you old bird” (I reserve the right to make what I said more PC). Seeing that I was at B’s orthodontist appointment, probably not the place to read this type of book, but she really shouldn’t have been reading over my shoulder. Oh well, lesson learned.

Mikkel (love the name!!) is this super hot demolition expert who happens to be over a thousand years old and who happens to have an awful anger management problem and bursts into a fireball when he gets angry (which is quite often). The book starts off with him banging a secretary in his boss’s office.

Joanna (also known as Jo) is a female engineer with a huge anger management problem. She has more of a hair-trigger temper than Mikkel. Put it this way, the first day on her new job, she tasers someone and manages to alienate her new boss… I think she is my book soul mate.

For a short story, this book did pack a lot into it. The author also wasted no time in having Joanna and Mikkel hook up. In the bathroom of their favorite bar after getting wasted. After that, it was a fuckfest….lol. But we did learn that Joanna only developed anger management issues after her sister was murdered. Mikkel’s, well I am not going to go to much into that.

The ending was pretty good too. Full of action, no sex, but action where there was fighting, etc.

As it stated in the Goodreads blurb, the books in this series are stand alone, so you can start anywhere in the series

How many stars will I give Her Fiery Viking? 4

Why? A great short story with some pretty hot, explicit sex scenes

Will I reread? Yes

Will I recommend to family and friends? Yes

Age Range: Adult

Why: Very explicit sex scenes, violence

Last modified on

Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 14 September, 2016: Finished reading
  • 14 September, 2016: Reviewed