Mind Games by Nancy Mehl

Mind Games (Kaely Quinn Profiler, #1)

by Nancy Mehl

Kaely Quinn's talents as an FBI behavior analyst are impossible to ignore, no matter how unorthodox her methods. But when a reporter outs her as the daughter of an infamous serial killer, she's demoted to field agent and transferred to St. Louis.

When the same reporter who ruined her career claims to have received an anonymous poem predicting a string of murders, ending with Kaely's, the reporter's ulterior motives bring his claim into question. But when a body is found that fits the poem's predictions, the threat is undeniable, and the FBI sends Special Agent Noah Hunter to St. Louis.

Initially resentful of the assignment, Noah is surprised at how quickly his respect for Kaely grows, despite her oddities. But with a brazen serial killer who breaks all the normal patterns on the loose, Noah and Kaely are tested to their limits to catch the murderer before anyone else--including Kaely herself--is killed.

Reviewed by readingwithwrin on

4 of 5 stars

Kaely Quinn is the daughter of a serial killer and because of that, she has spent all of her adult life working to stop other serial killers. She's the best at her job, but because of her father people, always question her ability to do what she does. This has made her mostly work alone along with the fact that her methods are a bit strange to other people, but they always get the job done.
This particular case though has the killer targeting her for some reason and she can't figure out why, but she must stop them before they kill all the people they plan to.

Overall I liked this book. It was fast-paced and had me constantly wondering who the killer was, and the actual killer was one that I wasn't expecting. I had thought it was someone else the entire book and was just as shocked as Kaely to find out who the killer was. I loved learning the ways that Kaely works and seeing how she uses her past to motivate her constantly to work harder and smarter to quickly find the killers. The side characters I liked as well and how they were actually continually involved in the story and actively helped Kaely while also stopping her as much as possible from being reckless which she does tend to do. I'm interested to see what characters are still involved in the second book, and what case Kaely works on next!

Side note: The very ending of this book was a little strange and didn't really go with the rest of the book it felt like. It got very religious and preachy all of a sudden as was just a little strange. The little pieces of religion that were thrown in throughout were normal and all had a reason. The ending didn't and because of that, it took my rating down a star sadly.

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  • 16 May, 2020: Finished reading
  • 16 May, 2020: Reviewed