What You Wish For by Katherine Center

What You Wish For

by Katherine Center

From the New York Times bestselling author of How to Walk Away comes a stunning new novel full of heart and hope.

Samantha Casey is a school librarian who loves her job, the kids, and her school family with passion and joy for living.
But she wasn’t always that way. 
Duncan Carpenter is the new school principal who lives by rules and regulations, guided by the knowledge that bad things can happen. 
But he wasn’t always that way. 

And Sam knows it. Because she knew him before—at another school, in a different life. Back then, she loved him—but she was invisible. To him. To...

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Reviewed by Jeff Sexton on

5 of 5 stars

Fun And Quirky, Touches On Serious Issues. Center does an excellent job here of showing how behavioral extremes - from both directions - can be the result of serious mental trauma. And she does it in a mostly very fun and light manner, only getting truly serious in a few key scenes before going back to the mostly light and playful side of things. If you're a fan of the author's previous work, you'll definitely want this one. If you're new to the author, this is a solid first book to try out. Very much recommended.

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  • 9 July, 2020: Finished reading
  • 9 July, 2020: Reviewed