Justice for Mickie by Susan Stoker

Justice for Mickie (Badge of Honor: Texas Heroes, #2)

by Susan Stoker

For Cruz Livingston, becoming an FBI agent is a lifelong dream, guarding the streets of San Antonio, a calling. His latest assignment-infiltrating the Red Brothers Motorcycle Club-will help stem the flow of illegal drugs brought into the city by the violent gang. He expects the job to be dangerous. He doesn't expect to meet the woman of his dreams while undercover.

Mickie Kaiser is refreshingly sweet, but her sister is intimately involved with the RBMC's president. Cruz can't afford to come clean about his double life without putting his operation in danger, but as violence creeps ever closer...Read more

Reviewed by leelu92 on

No rating. DNF. I tried this one but the tone and storyline just didn't work for me.

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  • Started reading
  • 3 September, 2017: Finished reading
  • 3 September, 2017: Reviewed