Reviewed by chymerra on

4 of 5 stars

Before I start my review, I would like to thank Ronelle Antoinette for allowing me to review Errant Spark.

**All opinions stated in this review are mine and mine alone. I received Errant Spark from Ronelle Antoinette for free for my honest review**

Now onto my review:

I am a huge fan of fantasy. Like a huge fan, about 90% of the books I read (and don’t review) are fantasy. So, when I was approached by Ronelle Antoinette to read Errant Spark and I read the blurb, I was very excited and couldn’t wait to read this book.

I wasn’t disappointed at all.

The book starts off with us meeting Jex Xander, a battlemage, and his mentor, Eryk…the High Mage. Jex has a reputation of being somewhat of taking numerous ladies (or men) into his bed. In other words, he is a bit of a manwhore and I loved it. The threesome scene was hot.

He is pursued by Sarene, the middle daughter of the Tor and Torina of Egalion. Aggressively pursued and when they did do the dirty, it seemed painful to me (for Jex not for Sarene). To be honest, I didn’t like Sarene….at all. She was rude and a spoiled brat.

Then the book jumps to Enari Namelum, a mute orphan who lives at the Cyrilan Temple, training to be a kvinna under the tutelage of Vasi de’Curande….the Master Apothecary of the Temple. She is often shunned, even at the temple, because of her exotic looks(pointed ears, large eyes, red-gold hair and short stature) and her aversion to being touched. They say that she looks like a Vintyri (from what I read, they are like the Fae) and her muteness keeps her isolated from other people.

Vasi and Enari have been summoned to the Imperial Palace in Egalion to assist Tora Aelani with the birth of her child…which is unheard of at her age, 45. While crossing the plains, they are met by Jex, who has come to escort them across the plains. When Jex meets Enari, sparks fly and there is an instant attraction (note that I said instant attraction…not instalove…big difference!!). Unfortunately, Jex falls very ill and almost dies on the journey home and the attraction was put off while Enari and Vasi nurse him back to health.

This is where the book gets good. There are mysterious deaths happening in the palace, around the same time Jex is brought in. Jex and Enari finally have sex (after about a month or two of Jex being severely ill) and they connect on a deeper level too. I loved seeing that. The High Mage is brought into the investigation of the deaths because there is a thought that there is dark magic being used.

There is a heartbreaking death, that I didn’t see coming, a birth and a couple of revelations at the end that did surprise me. One revelation, I did guess at but the other one….well it took me by surprise. Lets just say that I think I know the who the person at the very end of the book is…but I have to read the next book in the series to see if I am right.

How many stars will I give Errant Spark? 4

Why? While a great high fantasy novel that kept my attention, I had issues with some of the titles and terms. If there was a guide, it would have been great. Other than that small issue, a great read.

Will I reread? Yes

Will I reccomend to family and friends? Yes

Age range: Adult

Why? sex scenes (including a threesome) and violence

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 29 September, 2016: Finished reading
  • 29 September, 2016: Reviewed