Deception Point by Dan Brown

Deception Point (Bestseller (Booket Unnumbered))

by Dan Brown

When a new NASA satellite spots evidence of an astonishingly rare object buried deep in the Arctic ice, the floundering space agency proclaims a much-needed victory...a victory that has profound implications for U.S. space policy and the impending presidential election. With the Oval Office in the balance, the President dispatches White House Intelligence analyst Rachel Sexton to the Milne Ice Shelf to verify the authenticity of the find. Accompanied by a team of experts, including the charismatic academic Michael Tolland, Rachel uncovers the unthinkable: evidence of scientific trickery -- a bold deception that threatens to plunge the world into...Read more

Reviewed by Steve Manke on

5 of 5 stars

Still one of my all-time favorite books. It's fun to reread it every couple of years. This was my first time listening to the audiobook. It was well done.

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  • 2 February, 2009: Reviewed
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  • 2 February, 2009: Reviewed