Reviewed by thebookdisciple on

4 of 5 stars

This book is exactly the kind of drama you would expect from a story about reality tv stars! I could actually picture a few in my mind as I was reading this! Josh is the classic wanna be famous kid who is trying to turn his 15 minutes of fame on a reality show into a career. However, it hasn't been successful. Madison is the girl who was bullied and heartbroken on national TV and now hides away. So, here is what I liked:
1. About 1/2 way though the book I almost gave up on it because it was going exactly the way I expected. But then it takes a turn and I wasn't expecting that. So, good job Kaira!
2. Madison is very relatable. I was the heavy, less than popular girl in high school and it was hard enough. I can't imagine having cameras follow you and document it! Your heart goes out to Madison and you just want to be her friend.

What I didn't like:
1. Josh was a narcissistic ego monster and it was difficult to like him. He knows he did a terrible thing to Madison but for 15 years he never did a thing about it. Then suddenly he's back in town and loves her? I had trouble buying it.

Overall, if you like the train wreck of reality tv, you will like this book. I enjoyed it and found myself constantly making comparisons to characters on past reality tv shows (Real World, The Hills, etc) and I enjoyed the drama :)
My full review will be posted here:

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  • Started reading
  • 5 July, 2015: Finished reading
  • 5 July, 2015: Reviewed