Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

I have been eagerly awaiting Jeremy and Cheyenne's story. Since being introduced to them in THRASH and REV, I couldn't wait to see how these two teenagers ended up.

I really love both these characters. They acted out and did things that teenagers do in an attempt to prove how "adult" they are or to get the attention of the adults in their world. But they also had the added twist of being raised as part of an MC. They knew violence, they knew of the no holds barred sex and drugs. But what we get to see is how all those things effected these two teenagers and molded them into the adults they become.

Jeremy, at least in my opinion, had the hardest challenge. His father may have been a member and his sister may be the old lady of the club's VP, but Jeremy had to prove himself worthy of the club. That meant being a lacky and having to see and do things that left a lasting impression on Jeremy. And those impressions are not always good things. At the same time, as a young man he takes advantage of some of the things that are thrown at him by other club members in the name of trying to prove he's one of them...even if those events hurt the one person he cares about the most. There were many times were I felt sorry for Jeremy and wanted something different for him. But then he'd say or do something that proved he was committed to this life, he just needed to figure out how to fit Cheyenne and the club into his life.

I felt bad for Cheyenne, a lot. The poor girl was truly in love with Jeremy, but she was often the one that was forced to deal with the brunt of his bad attitude or actions. He broke her heart many times, but she couldn't let go...and that was as good thing. These two truly belonged together and Cheyenne proved to everyone in the MC that she was Jeremy's old lady and could deal with all the MC business that she might be faced with in the future.

The only thing that was missing from this story was more from Cheyenne and Jeremy as adults. I was really hoping when CRUSH become a full novel that we'd see them as adults and see what their relationship and life became. We get a glimpse of that in the epilogue, I just really wanted more.

For anyone that's been reading the Bayonet Scars series, this is a must read. It's fast paced and packs the emotional punch of the others. Definitely a book to pick up.

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  • 4 December, 2014: Finished reading
  • 4 December, 2014: Reviewed