Reviewed by Angie on

3 of 5 stars

With The Savage Protector, this series is back on track! Clara and Matthew are just three months from their Wedded Joining, and this should be a happy time. The sphere is repaired, everyone is safe, and soon Ohio will have a king who loves their queen. Well, the peace cannot last. Calia and Evie have left to return to the Clan, and King Otto is determined to rule the Ohio sphere at any cost.

The Savage Protector did have me worried in the beginning, because once again, we're introduced to several new characters and added their POVs to the already way too many that exist. Not to mention that the fragment manages to get their hands on Evelyn again (and again...). At least it wasn't Clara again, too. But from there, things actually move forward rather than being a repeat of the previous books. I can't say that I cared at all about the new characters, but I was very much invested in those who have been around since the beginning.

Clara has been doing her best to lead her people and forge alliance, but in The Savage Protector she is betrayed again and again. Somehow those close to her aren't who she thought they were, and would use her for their own gain. But some who were thought to be enemies become her saviors. There's no way to know who to trust! There's also those who are endlessly loyal to Clara and sadly lost their lives in this installment.

There's a lot of sadness in The Savage Protector, but it ultimately ends on a happy note. Clara has been through so much, and she's sick of the loss her people are continuing to face, so she's taking control. She's breathing life into the sphere and creating joy out of sadness. Things definitely aren't perfect, so I'm wondering where things will go next.

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • 2 March, 2015: Finished reading
  • 2 March, 2015: Reviewed