Dark Embrace by Brenda Joyce

Dark Embrace (Masters of Time, #3) (Mills & Boon Nocturne)

by Brenda Joyce

Aidan, the Wolf of Awe, has abandoned the Brotherhood and forsaken his vows. He has not saved an innocent in years--until he hears Brianna Rose's screams and leaps to modern-day Manhattan to rescue her.

Reviewed by Hixxup on

4 of 5 stars

I liked this one because Aidan, was the playboy of the group so far, and after his child was killed, he turned dark and cold. Though it was a little confusing because you know nothing of Ian's mother, or what had happened to her. And the fact that it was 60-70years in his time between the time his son was killed to the time that he had heard Brianna's screams for help. But once you get the hang of the time traveling bit its ok.

I loved the interactions between Aidan and Brianna, because he tried and tried and tried to resist her, he wanted to seem evil because that kept him going for his vengence on his father for killing his (Aidan's) son. But he just couldn't resist her after a while, and they seemed to make each other happy.

Aidan got his HEA, which was great, but one question remains with me.... What is up with Brianna's boss Nick, there is something about him. I'm dying to know but I need to get the other two books first.

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  • Started reading
  • 15 August, 2012: Finished reading
  • 15 August, 2012: Reviewed