The Devil You Know by Jaime Delano

The Devil You Know (Hellblazer)

by Jaime Delano

John Constantine is an unconcerned, amoral occultist with a British working-class background. He's an anti-hero who manages to come out on top through a combination of luck, trickery and genuine magic skill. V For Vendetta illustrator David Lloyd provides painted artwork for the tale of an encounter with a strange woman who is the embodiment of the world's horrors. This volume also features some of Constantine's earliest adventures including his first victory in the long war with the demon Nergal.

Reviewed by empressbrooke on

3 of 5 stars

This 2nd Hellblazer collection is all over the place. The first three issues wrap up the story started in Original Sins quite well. The next two are just puzzling and completely lost my interest. Then it wraps up with a 2-parter that has beautiful art, but the story feels like a cliche.

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  • Started reading
  • 2 March, 2010: Finished reading
  • 2 March, 2010: Reviewed