Under Dogs by Andrius Burba

Under Dogs

by Andrius Burba

An adorable book of dog photography showing our furry friends from an unexpected perspective--from underneath.

In the vein of bestsellers like Underwater Dogs and Shake, Under Dogs is a beautiful and heartwarming photography book depicting man's best friend in a visually interesting and amusing way. Photographer Andrius Burba's striking images of dogs taken from below are by turns beautiful and hilarious--providing readers with a little-seen view of the pets we love.

Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

4 of 5 stars

I received a copy of Under Dogs from NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Under Dogs is a photography project completed by none other than Andrius Burba. I’m sure based on the cover and title it wouldn’t be hard to guess what it is all about, but it’s still such a sweet idea. Burba has gone ahead and photographed dogs from below – of all angles. The unique perspective is creative, odd, and at times downright hilarious (particularly depending on the dogs’ expressions).
Photographing a dog from below is an interesting concept. Burba didn’t do it halfway either – it appears that the dogs are placed on a (crystal clear) pane of glass, allowing him to get a full and perfect view of the complete underside of each dog he chose to photograph.
There are NUMBER of photos included, and they are all crisp and included a black backdrop – an ideal way to keep the focus on the main subject, the puppies! The confused and quizzical looking dogs were probably my favorites, though they’re all brilliant.
I haven’t seen much work by Burba in the past, but it’s clear I’m going to have to keep an eye out for their work from now on. They’ve proven that they can have creative (and cute) ideas and brilliant follow-through. I can’t wait to see what’s next.

For more reviews, check out Quirky Cat's Fat Stacks

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  • Started reading
  • 15 March, 2018: Finished reading
  • 15 March, 2018: Reviewed