Victim Without a Face by Stefan Ahnhem

Victim Without a Face (A Fabian Risk Thriller, #1) (Fabian Risk, #1)

by Stefan Ahnhem

A sensational debut thriller from a master storyteller.
Two men have been murdered. Both of them were school bullies when they were younger. Plenty of people would have wanted them dead. A single clue has been found at the scene: a class photo from 1982, with two faces neatly crossed out.

Fabian Risk is the lead detective on the case. He's also one of the children in the photograph. As more people die, and more faces are crossed out, it becomes clear that...Read more

Reviewed by dpfaef on

3 of 5 stars

Fabian Risk doesn't know when to quit, he is like the energizer bunny he just keeps going and so does his first book, it just keeps going.

Risk has moved back to his hometown, to assume a job as a detective, after losing his job in Stockholm as a cop. It appears that someone is killing members of his high school class. Risk, who seems not to have a wit of good sense immediately becomes involved in the case, thinking that his new working companions are a bunch of dead beats. There are so many things going on in this story it sometimes is hard to keep track of the story line. While I enjoyed the book, the character Fabian Risk was at times grating, it way too long.

I will probably read the second book in the series and see how that goes, if it's like the first it may be the last.


This review was originally posted on The Pfaeffle Journal

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  • Started reading
  • 7 January, 2017: Finished reading
  • 7 January, 2017: Reviewed