I Am Number Four by Pittacus Lore

I Am Number Four (Lorien Legacies: The Lost Files) (Lorien Legacies, #1)

by Pittacus Lore

John Smith is not your average teenager.

He regularly moves from small town to small town. He changes his name and identity. He does not put down roots. He cannot tell anyone who or what he really is. If he stops moving those who hunt him will find and kill him.

But you can't run forever.

So when he stops in Paradise, Ohio, John decides to try and settle down. To fit in. And for the first time he makes some real friends. People he cares about - and who care about him. Never...Read more

Reviewed by CrowNoYami on

4 of 5 stars

This was a good book, it wasn't the best series that I've ever read but I found it right on par with Enders Game which is another book I enjoyed but didn't go rushing out for the sequel for. In this book it does have a little bit of a weird vibe for me, I don't know how it is in the Sates but at 15 if there was a party where everyone was drunk we would have had our asses handed to us, let alone one where they burnt the house down. I don't know, it feels like the characters should be 16-17 instead of 15-16.

Overall it had a good plot and development, there are interesting powers and a manhunt going on that keeps your interested. I found the romance factor was unneeded, though I do understand why it was put in. Sarah to me is a very bland character, though 'John' aka Number Four, shows that he is not only a strong character physically but mentally as well and well-aware of his emotions.

I'm giving this book a 4/5, it was a good book, I don't regret reading it, but I do feel like some things seemed a bit 'off'. While I would probably pick up the second book if I found it while browsing, it's not something I'm rushing out to buy.

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  • Started reading
  • 27 February, 2019: Finished reading
  • 27 February, 2019: Reviewed