Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

Coffee dates with How to Lose a Lord in 10 Days or Less….

First date: Our first date reintroduces us to Andrew Clifton, Lord Ambertall. We met him in Must Love Dukes the first book of the series, and I must admit I did not like the stuffy man. Therefore, I entered this date with a little trepidation. Michels quickly got me caught up in the action. We learn he has been away from London since the debacle that occurred in book one. He is in a rush to get home when his horse is injured traveling through the countryside. He is forcing to take shelter and this places him at the mercy of a beautiful, eccentric woman. The woman in question is a Kate Moore and she is quite unique. The tension when they first meet is electric, but it is far from romantic as they barb. I loved how Kate infuriated Andrew and knew my second date was going to be interesting.

Second date: Andrew takes great stock in order and following the rules of proper society and is quite flabbergasted in his dealings with Lady Kate. She is unorthodox from her breeches to the fact that she chooses to live in the caretaker’s cottage. Kate is damaged, and outspoken making the tango these two dances delicious to watch. We see growth, and watch a friendship and romance develop. Old characters make appearances, and villains are present keeping me entertained.

Third date: Plots revealed, hearts broken, courage and leaps a faith have me completely lost within the page during the final portion of How to Lose a Lord in 10 Days or Less. Misunderstanding, interference, and meddling had me nibbling on truffles in search of my HEA. Michaels’ does not over do the tension, and the developments felt natural. I ended this date with a smile.

Copy received from author in exchange for unbiased review that originally published @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • 10 June, 2014: Finished reading
  • 10 June, 2014: Reviewed