Reviewed by elvinagb on

4 of 5 stars

The opening chapter of The Conjuring Glass gives us a glimpse of what is to come in this great little book for readers transitioning from children’s chapter books to YA novels.
Young Penny Sinclair has left the group home she was living in after the sudden and tragic death of her mother and travels to Dogwood, Washington to live with her godmother Susan. Moving from the hustle and bustle of San Francisco to the quiet of a small town, Penny is expecting to live a quiet, boring life with people who know nothing of who she is. Little does she know that her life is about to take on more excitement that she could ever expect.
She makes friends with another newcomer to Dogwood, Zoe, who has been left to live with her grandmother after her parents leave to drive trucks around the country. They become friends but struggle to share their deepest secrets and fears with each other.
After meeting Ronan and learning some surprising secrets, the girls must help solve the strange disappearance of several children from their town and discover who The Birdman really is.
Knight has made this opening novel in The Phoenix Girls series one that gives just enough clues to who The Phoenix Girls were and the mysteries behind the magic of the grove and the book of spells that will make readers want to continue to learn what happens next to Penny, Zoe and new circle member Katie.

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  • 3 February, 2013: Finished reading
  • 3 February, 2013: Reviewed